Monday, June 27, 2011

The latest!

Well on June 12th we had our wonderful week of respite care with little miss! We fell even more head over heels for her! She is so sweet and such a good baby! On Saturday when her foster mom came to pick her up she cried and was looking around for me... As soon as we got back in the house I lost it, it was so hard to see her leave and I knew it would b a long week of waiting for news.

By Saturday I was in a pretty bad funk just very discouraged and having a terrible time surrendering this to God. I just needed a little bit of reassurance and that afternoon I got the call! They had told her current foster mom they were ready to move her to our home! I still have yet to hear this from my worker but such is life! I'm taking whatever good news I can! So we will keep trusting God, believing in his promises as this process goes forward, but as of now still such positive things going on!

Just praising God for his faithfulness!


1 comment:

Chelsa said...

hang in there!!
prayers for you!